Totti: “Vado avanti fino a che il fisico regge”



Il 15 novembre andrà in onda su Rete 4 una puntata speciale del Maurizio Costanzo Show. Tra gli ospiti, infatti, figurerà anche il Capitano giallorosso Francesco Totti.

Il numero 10, attualmente fermo ai box per infortunio, potrebbe ritornare tra i convocati di Rudi Garcia nel mese di dicembre, ma non prima di un sicuro recupero.

Sull’edizione on-line de Il Mattino, sono state pubblicate alcune dichiarazioni del Capitano come anticipazione dell’intervista che andrà in onda domenica sera. Ecco le sue parole: “Sto benissimo. Fino a che il fisico regge vado avanti. Il sesso del terzo figlio? Non so, non lo vogliamo sapere. Sono molto felice. La baracca la regge Ilary. Sono stato molto fortunato a trovare una donna come lei“.

9 Commenti

  1. Sheesh. Given that United have much bigger reeroucss, and that the timing of the game suited them much better, I was pleased with what we did for the first hour. The Roma fans sounded magnificent on the telly. The team played with discipline and a reasonable amaount of panache. Ronaldo scored a goal that was difficult to stop. I’ll take that on the chin.The second goal was the killer. It should never have been conceded, and a clutch of defenders and, particulrly, Doni, seemed to be to blame. In fact, one of the replays on ITV suggested it might be an own goal. Horrible. After the second goal, something happened to Max Tonetto. Always a good player, he had a turn-green-burst-shirt kind of reaction. He suddenly looked like Diego Maradona at the World Cup in America. Every time he got the ball he beat about 157 United players and took the ball from his own penalty area to the opposition goalmouth. It was compelling. But after about three minutes he was knackered and Spalletti took him off.Stirring rendition of the Inno, though. Not a bad performance. Well done, Roma. Ish.

  2. Eu acredito que essa rapidez é devido ao aumento de pessoas com computadores em casa, banda larga, acesso a Web portátil e a “sede” por informação. Tudo que é lançado hoje cresce mais rápido que no passado.

  3. Elena, nu ea “recunoaste”, ci o spune CSM-ul si procurorii cine a intervenit. In aceeasi casa cu parintii lui Macovei locuia si un doctor care l-a operat pe sotul judecatoarei care judeca cazul cu casa respectiva. Acesta e intervenit prin acea judecatoare sa se mute dosarul. Articolul de mai sus ofera linkurile catre articole si documente care vorbesc despre aceasta tema. Daca Macovei era baga in vreun fel in acest dosar, astazi deja ar fi fost mancata de lei, hiene si sacali.

  4. Hi Cathy,thanks for the comment and recommendation on the book, I’ll check it out. I know what you mean about bureaucracy in the public education system, my wife teaches high school english in LA and it’s the same kind of thing. It’s a shame too, there are so many good teachers in those schools and they’re hands are so often tied to ‘teaching to the test.’

  5. 6-2-12 spune: Ma puteti ajuta si pe mine? Am si eu probleme cu calculatorul, introduc un dvd si nu-l mai vede si inainte il vedea Am intrat si m-am uitat cum ati zis voi start/run/dxdiag/display si vad urmatoarele:Name : RADEON 9200 PRO;manufacturer: ATIChip type: RADEON 9250 AGP( 0×5960)Dac type : Internalc DAC (400Mz) So, am sau nu placa video?Merci! -39


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